Like me, you might have spent the last week huddling inside as our country reached the highest 1-day record for new sick cases. It was rainy and wet and the leaves were bright red and slimy. The typical churning of the world, raging at itself for its foolishness and arrogance, seems to flail out of control. There will be no more debates, and no more parting words.
This is it. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for.
But instead of a feeling of bated breath, of patience, there is only a sticky dread in our collective guts. Even four years ago, when I was 19 and voted for the first time, I remember feeling a thrill of fascination when Trump was elected. The luxury of curiosity, amusement.
There is nothing more to impart now; the lines have been read. We have said everything that must be said.